In ISLE 2020 and LED China 2020 held from 31st, Aug to 3rd, Sept in Shenzhen, all-in-one meeting room display system became a hot topic. Lots of led screen suppliers brought their developed all-in-one led tv with own developed intelligent systems, showing us a new trend in led screen field. Besides Leyard, Ledman, Aoto, Cedar etc., even some security&protection and integrated system suppliers also join into this market.
Data shows there are around 100 million meeting room in the world with more than 20 million owned by China, and among them, 5% are large and medium scale meeting room with size over 100 sqm. No doubts that led screen field will welcome an intelligent integrated led tv era very soon.
With the help of IoT, artificial intelligence, 5G, and 8K technologies, all-in-one conference machines will inevitably become the new favorite of conference rooms, and will also become a new market for LED display companies to increase revenue and profits.